- 爸爸: father, dad, daddy
- 妈妈: mother, mom, mommy
- 父母: parent
- 继父,养父,义父: stepfather, foster father, adoptive father
- 继母,养母,义母: stepmother, foster mother, adoptive mother
- 义父母: adoptive parents
- 养父母: foster parents
- 继父母: stepparents
- 子女: children, sons and daughters, offspring
- 儿子: son, boy
- 女儿: daughter, girl
- 长子: eldest son
- 次子: second son
- 幼子: youngest son
- 长女: eldest daughter
- 幼女: youngest daughter
- 长子,长女,头胎: firstborn
- 儿媳妇: daughter-in-law, son's wife
- 女婿: son-in-law, daughter's husband
- 嫁出去的女儿: married daughter
- 兄弟: brother
- 姐妹: sister
- 兄弟姐妹: sibling
- 哥哥: older brother, elder brother
- 姐姐: older sister, elder sister
- 弟弟: younger brother
- 妹妹: younger sister
- 继父母的兄弟姐妹: step-aunt or step-uncle
- 结拜兄弟: sworn brother
- 丈夫: husband,hubby
- 妻子: wife
- 配偶: spouse, lover
- 前夫: ex-husband 或者 former husband
- 前妻: ex-wife 或者former wife
- 爷爷奶奶,外祖父母: grandparents, grandpa and grandma
- 爷爷,外公: grandfather
- 奶奶,外婆: grandmother
- 叔公: husband's uncle
- 孙子女: grandchildren, grandchild
- 孙子, 外孙: grandson
- 孙女, 外孙女: granddaughter
- 公公: husband's father
- 婆婆: husband's mother
- 岳父: father-in-law, wife's father
- 岳母: mother-in-law, wife's mother
- 叔叔,伯伯,舅舅,姑父,姨夫等等:uncle
- 婶婶,阿姨,姑姑,舅妈: aunt
- 叔叔: father's younger brother, younger uncle
- 伯伯: father's older brother, elder uncle
- 姑奶奶: father's father's sister
同辈 堂亲,表亲
- 堂兄弟姐妹,表兄弟姐妹:cousin
- 大小舅子,大伯子,小叔子,姐夫,妹夫, 连襟: brother-in-law
- 大小姑子,大小姨子,嫂子,弟媳妇: sister-in-law
- 侄子,外甥:nephew
- 侄媳妇: nephew's wife
- 祖先: ancestor, 或者 forefather
- 后代: descendant, offspring
- 亲属: relative
- 男友: boyfriend
- 女友: girlfriend
- 前男友: ex-boyfriend
- 前女友: ex-girlfriend
- 初恋: first love, puppy love
- 恋人: lovers
- 情侣:couple
- 朋友: friend
- 同伴,伴侣: companion
- 同事: colleague
- 笔友: penpal
- 哥们: buddy
- 共同创业的合伙人,搭档: partner
- 有生意合作往来的伙伴: associate
- 队友: teammate
- 邻居: neighbor
- 闺蜜: confidante
- 知心朋友: bosom friend
- 至交: intimate