"Declare," "announce," and "proclaim" are all similar in that you say something out loud, probably publicly and for many people to hear. "Declare," "announce," and "proclaim"有些相似,都有“宣布、宣告”的意思,它们都是大声说出来的,可能是公开的,能让很多人都能悉知的信息。
"Announce" is the most neutral. Usually used when you’re only trying to get information to people. "Announce"是最中性的。通常在你只想把信息告诉别人的时候使用。
* The radio station announce they’d be giving away concert tickets on Friday. 广播电台宣布他们将在星期五赠送音乐会门票。
* "I’m going to bed," she announced. “我要睡觉了,”她宣陈。
"Proclaim" is a little stronger and feels pretty official. It’s least common of these words. "Proclaim"语气有点强,感觉比较正式。但是这是这几个词中最不常见的。
* The President proclaimed two more weeks of social isolation measures. 总统又宣布了两周的社会隔离措施。
* The movie critic had proclaimed that it was the most beautiful movie he had ever seen. 影评人宣称这是他看过的最美的电影。
"Declare" might be the strongest and somewhat official sounding. It’s usually used when someone wants to make their power of authority or their determination clear. "Declare"可能是语气最强烈的,也有点官方的意味。当有人想明确自己的权力或决心时,通常会用到这个词。
* After Jane rescued six elephants, the mayor declared Dec. 6th as Jane’s Day. 简救了六头大象后,市长宣布12月6日为Jane’s Day。
* After several weeks of chemotherapy, my doctor has finally declared me cancer-free! 经过几周的化疗,我的医生终于宣布我没有癌症!
*The area has been declared a national park.该地区已宣布为国家公园。